I feel that there should be some way to intelligently link the niche-filling, community-driven Ann Arbor websites -- something persistant across sites. At CHS we've got an identity that links our projects (wiki, speech, Counseling, Moodle). -MattH
Any interest?
What niches do we have?
- ArborBlogs - Overall aggregation of area blogs, created by User:Georgehotelling
- ArborUpdate - group-run news and discussion site, created by Ann Arbor emeritus Rob Goodspeed through invitation of a group of prominent local bloggers; closed in 2009.
- ArborWiki - information, created by MattH and the CHS webteam.
- ArborSpeech - to start your own (not really a part?)
- Ann Arbor Chronicle - newspaper
- AnnArbor.com - newspaper
- Concentrate Media - news and features
- Grex and M-Net - old-school unix bbs systems, which also feature web interfaces to the discussions.
- arborparents - if you have kids
- there's a niche for which a site doesn't exist... (at least, so it seems)
(sounds kind of like The People's Republic of Ann Arbor, doesn't it? Catchy, I think)