What do you know about Tom Wieder, an Ann Arbor attorney?
In 1994 and 1995, attorney Wieder represented a substitute teacher employed by the Ann Arbor Public Schools in a suit alleging that the school district had violated the Michigan Teacher Tenure Act by requiring the teacher to sign a waiver of statutory rights. On April 21, 1995, Washtenaw Circuit Court Judged Donald Shelton ruled that the waiver was illegal and granted the teacher a permanent job and $50,000 in damages. The School District appealed that ruling. While the appeal was pending, attorney Wieder filed a class action suit on behalf of four named plaintiffs and a class of similarly situated substitute teachers, estimated to number about 100. On January 21, 1997, the Michigan Court of Appeals upheld Judge Shelton in the original suit. The School District appealed to the State Supreme Court, but the Court declined to hear the appeal on February 27, 1998 (456 Mich. 941). Subsequently, in the class action, which eventually grew to include 300 teachers, Judge Shelton ruled that the school district had violated the rights of the class members. The total damages awarded to the class, negotiated by attorney Wieder and the district's attorneys, exceeded $25 million. Contributions to the state teachers pension fund on behalf of the teachers, social security contributions, legal fees and other items brought the total cost to the school district to about $31 million. About 60 of the teachers were given full-time jobs with the district. The School Board subsequently sued its attorneys for malpractice for providing the advice that the School District could obtain waivers from substitute teachers. The case was settled, and, after payment to its attorneys, the school district received about $5.6 million in damages. (short blurb about the liability)
Timeline: Tom Wieder
AUGUST 20, 2014. Final City Tally for Dascola Lawsuit: $35,431. Ann Arbor Chronicle. "The final tally of costs to the city of Ann Arbor in connection with the Bob Dascola election lawsuit is $35,431.75. According to Tom Wieder, attorney for Dascola, the settlement agreed to on Aug. 20, 2014 for the second phase of the lawsuit was $9,400 – to be split between the city and the state of Michigan." Dascola had successfully sued the city for its refusal to allow him to run for City Council, violating his civil rights.
January 21, 1997. Tom Wieder prevails in the Michigan Court of Appeals in an action alleging that the Ann Arbor Public Schools violated the State Teacher Tenure Act by requiring substitute teacher to waive rights granted by the Tenure Act. Waits v Ann Arbor Public Schools, 221 Mich App 183; 561 NW2d 851 (1997).
July 14, 1995. Long-term subs sue Ann Arbor schools over rights, Ludington Daily Press. "On July 7, attorney Tom Wieder filed suit on behalf of substitute teachers Karen Aungst and Linda Joseph. The suit said up to 100 others also may be entitled to jobs or damages."