I'm a Quaker and a pacifist.  I consider myself to be a free-thinker, and a rather typical liberal. I'm an optimist.  I prefer to be mistakenly overly optimistic in my evaluation of others, rather than the possibility of being mistakenly overly pessimistic in the way I see others.  Some tell me this is a fault of mine.  I consider such over-optimism to be a virtue, and that the cost of keeping such views is worth it.  I've had my share of saints, sinners, saviors and not so savory characters in my life.  

My greatest discovery, made whilst in fervent prayer no less, is that we all really live on this giant Yellow Submarine, but we just don't know it yet.  It's up to us how easy or hard we want to be on ourselves while we're down here, so I guess I should be easy on myself and those around me.  In fact, as brother Lennon once wrote, "we have everything we need here to live a life of ease".

I love to read the Tao Te Ching and A Course In Miracles.  I've been editing Wikipedia since 2004, and I guess that would make me a Wikipedia addict.  Married with grown up kids.  Living in Michigan.  Just trying to find my little corner of order and meaning, in a seemingly entropic and chaotic world.