Berkeley's signature London Plane trees
Sproul Plaza is the main approach onto campus. Lined with distinctive London Plane trees, it the center of student activity at Berkeley. It has two divisions: Upper and Lower Sproul.
There are a number of things you will find on Upper Sproul on school days. From tabling by student clubs to performances done by the Campus' best acappella groups. Student clubs include culturally based clubs such as the Nikkei Student Union, Asian American Association, Black Student Union, Hip Hop, and Chinese Student Association. Walking on Upper Sproul you can easily pick up 10 flyers from the various organizations.
By Sather Gate, you may also find a performing group such as the Men and Women's Chorale. You will often see a group of student grouped around them enjoying the performance. If music isnt for you, you may also pick up the school newpaper The Daily Cal or The Squelch if you are into more of a humorous reading. On Upper Sproul you may also see a massage chair, with a guy offering massages to weary passerbys. You may also see homeless guys dancing and not to forget the Happy Happy Man. The Happy Happy Man stands on a bucket, bearing large politically-based signs usually calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, with a sunhat repeating "Happy, happy, happy; everybody happy." He can be seen there for several hours every day.
If you are hungry, you may enter the Golden Bears Cafe (GBC) or Bear's Lair for a bite to eat. If you need help with school work, just stop by the Student Learning Center and get help from one of the many tutors that help you with various subjects from study groups in math, chemistry, and physics, to individual tutoring in writing.
The Free Speech Circle, located on Upper Sproul
One of many campus tour groups
Upper Sproul is often lined with student organizations tabling for their causes