The remnants of this fronton (Basque handball court) are visible from an alley off of 512 W. Idaho St. The fronton was built in 1911 by Jose Uberuaga, a carpenter who owned the Star Rooming House also at 512 W. Idaho. Like most Basque frontons, the court was made of stone and cement, and Uberuaga’s fronton also had a canopy. Uberuaga used this fronton to teach Basque youths, such as Henry Alegria, how to play Basque sports. “He took me in and I was his protege…in doubles, ‘pala games,’ or handball,” Alegria wrote in his memoir 75 Years of Memoirs. Because the court was adjacent to the Boise City Fire Department, it often presented an attraction for firemen who would “climb the wall and watch the games.”