The Old SUB (1940).................................................................................................................The New SUB (2010)
(Photos courtesy of the Boise State University Special Collections)
The Boise State Student Union building affectionately known as the “SUB” is the social and cultural centre of the college. The building houses all the student organizations irrespective of gender or race. It is seen as a place where students can take a break when not in class to socialize and interact with each other through the different clubs within the school. Since Boise State University is a public institution, members of the community are also allowed to utilize the resources available at the Student Union Building. These services range from providing meeting rooms, the special events center and the games room where parties can be held. The SUB is run and maintained by student funds. History: The SUB first started taking shape at the St. Margaret’s Hall campus of Boise Junior College (present site of St. Luke’s Hospital) in the 1930’s when Dr and Mrs. Eugene Chaffee decided to host student social gathering at their nearby residence. In 1941with the campus expanding, it was relocated to its present-day site. At the time, students were allotted a space within the current administration building. By 1942, a Union Building designed solely for use by the student body (the present day Communications Building) had been completed. Known as “The Corral”, it would serve as the main social gathering point for the university’s student body until 1967 when the SUB was moved to its present day location. In the early part of the 1970’s the SUB underwent various facelifts, slowly enlarging it. Strides in technological innovation prompted further renovations of the facilities to take place the latest one to date being completed in 2009. As the campus, grows so will the role of the SUB.