There are municipal and private classes offered in the Bonn region. Look for booklets in the reception office of your child’s school, for leaflets in the respective supply shops, public libraries etc or contact for instance:

Great Day For Music

Music classes for babies, toddlers and young children

The Brotfabrik

KreuzStrasse 16 Beuel
Tel.: (0228) 473 515


Internationale Begegnungsstätte für Kinder and Jugendliche
Am Helpert 36, Bonn Müffendorf
Tel.: (0228) 322 506 

The Jugendinformationszentrum

Tel.: (0228) 773 838

Helene Brunerie

(art classes in French and English for children and adults) Burgstrasse 85
53177 Bonn-Plittersdorf

Tel.: (0228) 368 3988


Kurfirstenallee 8 53177 Bonn
Tel.: (0228) 774 565 

Haus der Familie

This community center in Plittersdorf offers a catalogue of courses for children and adults every fall and spring.  All the offerings are in German and fill up very quickly.