Because of the 'Schulpflicht' or compulsory schooling laws in Germany, all children in Germany, regardless of their status, are eligible for the necessary support.  This could mean anything from full-time support in a facility to weekly therapy.  This support is referred to as integration assistance, or 'Eingliederungshilfe'.  To apply for this assistance, families need to contact the Bundesstadt Bonn - Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie Fachdienst für Familien- und Erziehungshilfe (FFE).  On their webpage, you will find a document with the contact information for the various neighborhoods in the Bonn area, and you apply through your local office.

There are schools at every level which are gear for 'Inklusion' meaning they integrate special needs students into mainstream classrooms.  In addition to providing individual assistants, there are also  specialized schools or 'Förderschule" in the Bonn area.

Families can also apply for a personal budget to pay for school accompaniment or other required assistance.


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