Shuffle Off to Buffalo is term referring to the lyrics of an historical song from the 1933 movie, "42nd Street", to a tap dance step, and to railroad related saying that dates back before 1933. The term is now applied to all manner of things related to Buffalo - see below.

Music and Film History


Tap and Other Dances

All Manner of Things

  • Airline Promo - Shuffle off to Buffalo for $131 - " If you're looking for a slightly bizarre, but really cheap, winter vacation, take a hard look at Buffalo, N.Y. Thanks to a strange Northwest Airlines promotion, you can get super-cheap tickets to the home of the NFL's Bills and NHL's Sabers from Sea-Tac. Today I found tickets for a shocking $131 for a variety of dates through February on . Other West Coast cities have cheap fares ($178 from Los Angeles to Buffalo, for example) but none seems as cheap as from Seattle. "
  • Video - Malls and Clothing Stores - PhotoBucket Video Clip
  • This Aussie loves shuffle off to Buffalo
  • Mets Shuffle Off To Buffalo - "September 22, 2008 - The Mets signed a two-year player development contract with the Buffalo Bisons who become their new AAA affiliate, ending their association with the New Orleans Zephyrs."
  • And Stealing Our Line - Shuffle off to Ruffalo



1. Wikipedia Article
2. The Madison Dance