
(Brown Pelican)

With over 350 species of birds in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, birding, the activity of watching birds, is a major activity in Eastern Oregon. Before visitors and birders rush off to the Refuge, they should take time to enjoy the sport in the cities of Burns and Hines. Many of the rare birds found in the Malheur Refuge can be seen in these two sister cities. In addition, many local specialties call Burns home. Birds such as the Rock Pigeon, Eurasian Collared-Doves, Scrub Jays, and Western Screech-Owls can be found throughout the town during either the day or night.[1] Don Baccus provides great descriptions on the many species of birds found in Burns at Baccus Birders. In addition, the John Scharff Migratory Bird Festival talks place every year in April in Harney County and offers the opportunity to witness the spring migration.

Additional Information:


http://birdingoregon.info/Home/HarneyCounty/tabid/189/Default.aspx (Highly detailed map of birding sites in and around Burns, Or.)


[1] Birding Oregon, “Harney County Oregon,” last modified 2014, http://birdingoregon.info/Home/HarneyCounty/tabid/189/Default.aspx.