Girl Scouts in Plymouth/Canton
Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan is a community-based organization serving a current girl membership of more than 25,000 girls and 6,500 adults. We are actively providing positive leadership and learning experiences for girls in 24 counties in Michigan. Membership is open to all girls ages five through 17 and to adults, both women and men, who subscribe to the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law. Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, Inc. is a registered 501(c) (3) organization.
Girl Scout Mission
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
Girl Scouts in Plymouth and Canton
GSHOM serves over 2,000 girls in the Plymouth/Canton area, with the support and hard work of over 400 adult volunteers. Girls can participate in Girl Scouting in many different ways:
Troops in schools Troops in places of worship Troops at community locations (i.e., libraries, community centers) Camping opportunities
Girl Scout Levels
Daisy Girl Scouts- Kindergarten and 1st grade Brownie Girl Scouts- 2nd and 3rd grade Junior Girl Scouts- 4th and 5th grade Cadette Girl Scouts- 6th, 7th and 8th grade Senior Girl Scouts- 9th and 10th grade Ambassador Girl Scouts- 11th and 12th grade
How can my daughter/a girl in my life get involved?
If you know a girl ages 5-17 who might be interested in Girl Scouts, contact Arika Lycan, Membership Specialist for Plymouth/Canton Girl Scouts at 734-794-7440 or
Troop Pages
Volunteer opportunities are always open for Troop Leaders, Co-Leaders, School Troop Organizers, and short-term program volunteers Volunteer today.