Route Name:

South Broad
FROM  South Broad
20th St                 



 South Broad 31st St
Preferred facility type: shared route, lane, protected lane, OR multiuse path Lane

Why I want this route:



This is the biggest deterrent for St. Elmo travelers biking to downtown! (1) Going over the bridge is terrifying, with cars

traveling 40-45 mph and no dedicated space for cyclists. (2) During morning peak traffic hours, bicyclists trying to cross

onto Broad St. at 31st (via St. Elmo Ave. that runs parallel to Broad) is almost impossible. IF there is a break in traffic, the

speed distance is still so great that it feels very dangerous. People (drivers) have told me that South Broad feels like a

highway, and I think the wide lanes only encourage people to speed and not think about cyclists, even though a lot of

people use this route for either recreation or necessity. 


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