
The Walnut Street Bridge Muffins are a ragtag group of Chattanooga bicycle commuters (and some walkers) who meet for breakfast in the middle of the Walnut Street Bridge every Friday during nice weather, typically defined as April through October and not raining.  Normal gathering time is from 7:15-8:45 a.m., with some people staying just long enough to guzzle some coffee and others just dilly-dallying like they've got nothing to go to.

Group members typically bring one or two items to share, though absolutely no one casts judgment on those who come empty-handed. 

Popular contributions include: donuts, coffee, fruit, omelets, donuts, muffins, and donuts. 

Popular conversation topics include: best biking routes, wow what a huge barge that's passing under us, today is a beautiful day, weekend socializing plan coordination, prizes recently won through GreenTripsCHA, and donuts.

Ongoing Bridge Muffins news and conversation are found within their Facebook group.