Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (TMLMTBGB) is 30 plays in 60 minutes. It's the longest running show in Chicago (running since 1988) with performances 50 weeks a year - almost every Friday and Saturday at 11:30 PM & Sundays at 7:00PM. The theater group that performs TMLMTBGB is called the Neo-Futurists and their theater, located at 5153 N. Ashland Ave. is called the the Neo-Futurarium.

Before the show, everyone waits in a big, crowded room for the doors to open. They have games and magazines. It's hot and crowded, which makes it ideal on a cold winter night. There are all kinds of traditions that make TMLMTBGB fun, funny, and unpredictable (for example, your ticket price is $9 + whatever number you get from a random roll of a dice...everyone gets a nametag and even though the ticket person asks you what your name is, they give you a nametag with a random name....if the show sells out, they order a pizza for the end of the show and then everyone gets to share that pizza). It's special. If you've never been, it's never too late.

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