Butte Alliance For Medical Marijuana or BAMM was a group of patients working together to fight for their right to treatment with marijuana under Proposition 215. They held many protests and rallies, including one at the federal courthouse were Bryan Epis was being tried. bryan was unjustly sentinced to 11 years fedral prision please write to the president for his pardon release the prisoners of the war on pot.

US District Judge Frank Damrell Jr. acknowledged that the protestors had the right to picket, but insisted that the jury would not be tampered by propaganda. BAMM activist Mike Rogers was held by federal agents and his shirt taken away after prosecutor Samuel Wong reported that the shirt had the words "No Justice" on it, and would influence the jury. Rogers got his shirt back after it was discovered that the shirt did not have the slogan on it. the slogan was the national laywers guild the poor man was sun burnt with no shirt.

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2011-04-27 21:32:50   bamm simpply wanted th jurry to know there rights that many amaricans sucesterd in trial as jures are not informed of we had no part in jury tampering please remove that accusation —