There are many types of commercial uses which are permitted in the commercial zones of the city. This is a Classified Business Directory intended for all commercial activity in Chico. There is also an Alphabetical Business Directory which intends to list the same businesses.

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Business Directory/Bars

Restaurants with Bars

Business Directory/Broadcast studios



  • KHSL - 3460 Silverbell Road

Business Directory/Business support services

Business Directory/Churches

This is a nice exhaustive list of Churches that needs to be carefully migrated to Spiritual Organizations.

Church Name & Pastor; Affiliation; Location; City; Phone Aldersgate United Methodist ; UMC; 2869 Cohasset Rd; Chico; 893-8640 Asian Bible Church; ; 2346 Floral Av; Chico; 879-9384 Bethel African Methodist Episcopal; AME; 821 Linden St; Chico; 345-3077 Bidwell Memorial Presbyterian; PCUSA; 208 W. 1st St; Chico; 343-1484, 343-9132 Butte Bible Fellowship; ; 2255 Pillsbury Rd; Chico; 892-0521 Calvary Baptist Church; SBC; 1301 Broadway; Chico; 342-6198 Calvary Chapel Chico; ; 1888 Springfield Dr; Chico; 894-1441 Chico Community ; SBC; 2555 ZANELLA WAY #B; Chico; 342-4968 Chico Gospel Hall; ; 2045 Magnolia Av; Chico; 894-1349 Chico Seventh Day Adventist, Pastor David Osborne; SDA; 1877 Hooker Av; Chico; 342-7777 Chico Tabernacle; ; 3035 Esplanade; Chico; 343-9525 Christian Life Center, Pastor Fred Wymore; 4Sq; 1492 East Ave; Chico; 343-0205 Church of Christ; COC; 955 E Lassen Av; Chico; 893-8565 Church on the Esplanade; SBC; 1119 Esplanade; Chico; 891-4178 City Light; NonDe; 3015 Cohasset Rd; Chico; 343-1491 Cohasset Neighborhood, Pastor Brian Hall; ; 10153 Cohasset Rd; Chico; 342-9369 Community Church of God Pastor Richard Hoyt Jr.; COG; 1095 East Av; Chico; 345-4300 Congregational Church of Chico; ; 1190 E. 1st Av; Chico; 342-4913 Cornerstone Church of God; COG; 1294 N. Cedar St; Chico; Cornerstone Ministries; ; 845 W 4th Av; Chico; 891-0898 Covenant Reformed Church; ; 1877 Hooker Av; Chico; 345-2732 Cristo Salva; ; 2801 Notre Dame Bl; Chico; 879-8995 East Ave Community, Pastor Ron Zimmer; Naz; 1184 East Ave ; Chico; 342-1806 Evangelical Free Church; Evan Free; 1193 Filbert Av; Chico; 343-6022 Faith Lutheran; Lutheran; 667 E 1st Av ; Chico; 895-3754 Faith Temple Church of God in Christ; COGIC; 1335 Davis St; Chico; 894-2081 Family Life Church; ; 13495 Garner Ln; Chico; 894-1313 First Assembly of God; A of G; 1137 Arbutus Av; Chico; 345-1377 First Baptist Church of Chico; ABCIS; 850 Palmetto Av; Chico; 343-3446 First Christian Church; ; 295 E Washington St; Chico; 343-3727 First Church of the Nazarene; Naz; 1184 East Av; Chico; 342-1086 Grace Community Church; Comm; 2346 Floral Av; Chico; 343-5528 Harvest Christian Fellowship; ; P O Box 6007 International; Chico; 891-9103 Hicks Lane Church of Christ; COC; 3612 Hicks Ln; Chico; 343-6703 Landmark Missionary Baptist; Bapt Miss; 2626 Cohasset Rd; Chico; 892-8928 Matthew’s Café Community Church; Comm; 2201 Pillsbury Rd; Chico; 894-9095 Ministerios Auxillo Divino Divine Rescue Ministries; ; ; Chico; 891-9103 Neighborhood Church of Chico; ; 2801 Notre Dame Bl; Chico; 343-6006 New Hope Fellowship; ; 7th St & Normal; Chico; 345-6516 New Life Church; ; 15 W. Eaton Rd; Chico; 891-7500 Newman Center-St Thomas Aquinas University ; Cath; 346 Cherry St; Chico; 342-5180 Orchard Church; ; 818 Salem St; Chico; 342-7692 Our Divine Savior Catholic; Cath; 566 E Lassen; Chico; 343-4248 Pentecostal Church of God-Faith Tabernacle; Pent COG; 875 Virginia St; Chico; 343-8352 Pleasant Valley Baptist; Baptist; 13539 Garner Ln; Chico; 343-0555 Redeemer Lutheran; Luth; Moss & Hawthorne Av; Chico; 342-6085 Salvation Army; SA; 567 E 16th St; Chico; 342-6780 Second Baptist; SBC; 1053 Ohio St; Chico; 345-4764 Shasta District Office of United Methodist; UMC; 572 Rio Lindo Av; Chico; HQ: 895-0922 SS Cyril & Methodius Orthodox ; Meth Orth; 2956 Cohasset Rd; Chico; 895-8116 Saint Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal; Episc; 228 Salem St; Chico; 894-7409 Saint John the Baptist; Cath; 435 Chestnut St; Chico; 343-8741 Saint John’s Episcopal Church; Episc; 2341 Floral Av; Chico; 894-1971 Ste Therese Catholic; Cath; 369 E. 8th Av; Chico; 894-4040 The Edge-Campus Christian Fellowship; ; 125 W. 3rd Av; Chico; 895-3343 Trinity United Methodist, Reverend David Leeper Moss; UMC; 285 E 5th Av; Chico; HQ895-0922 Vineyard Christian Fellowship; Vineyard; ; Chico; 893-9300 Worldwide Church of God; COG; 574 E. 12th St; Chico; 876-0639

See Spiritual Organizations for a more readable list of churches. Incorporate this into that page if you're feeling froggy.

Business Directory/Construction

Describe Business Directory/Construction here.

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Business Directory/Gas stations

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Unable to include Business Directory/Theaters

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Business Directory/Warehousing and storage