Demographics. There are roughly 86,949 people in Chico. There were 17,034 students at Chico State in the 2007-8 academic year which accounts for 15,822 full time equivalent students. There are also 14,200 Butte College students most of which live in Chico. The median age is 25.9 years old, average household income is $23,424, and average home sale price is $141,600.

The United States Census is a constitutionally mandated program and it occurs every 10 years. The next U.S. Census will occur in 2010. What follows is a summary of the 2000 Census results which sheds light on the demographics of Chico. More information can be found at the Chico City fact-sheet at See also Geography.

2000 Census

In 2000, Chico's population weighed in at 59,954 persons, mushrooming by nearly 20,000 people since 1990. Males accounted for 49.1% of the population while females made up 50.9%. 9.9% of the 2000 population were over 65 years of age, with most of the population in Chico being over 18. Of this population, African Americans comprised 2%, American Indians/Alaskan Natives at 1.3%, Asians at 4.3% (Chico has a large Hmong population) and Hispanics at 12.3%.

Within that same 2000 census, 33.6% of the population held bachelors degrees — 9.2% above the national average. 87% of the population has a High School diploma, 7% above the national average. 14.1% of responders speak a language other than English in their homes.

62.8% of Chicoans are in the workforce and their median household income from 1999 was $29,359, $12,635 below the national average. 12.7% of families are below the poverty line, while 26.6% of individuals are below — 14.2% above the national average.

An interesting fact, since this is a college town, 59.6% of homes in Chico are rented, where the national averages hangs low at 33.8%.

Population Growth

According to the City of Chico General Plan Update

Year Chico Population
1864 500
1872 1000
1881 4500
1920 15517
1950 12272
1965 18100
1980 26601
1990 41492
1995 50100
2000 65175
2005 79091
2006 85128
2008 86949
2010(est) 92250
2030(est) 131000

Ethnic breakdown

City of Chico

According to the source

Ethnicity percentage
White Non-Hispanic 77.2%
Hispanic 12.3%
Two or more races 4.3%
Other race 5.7%
Black 2.0%
Japanese 0.6%
Chinese 0.6%
American Indian 2.6%
Other Asian 2.1%


Ethnicity percentage
German 16.4%
Irish 12.4%
English 11.2%
Italian 6.3%
United States 4.1%
French 3.4%

About 8.9% of people in Chico are foreign born (4.1% Latin America, 3.2% Asia, 1.0% Europe).

CSU Chico

General Undergrad Breakdown

According to another source

Ethnicity percentage
African American 1.9%
American Indian 1.1%
Asian American 5.6%
Filipino 0.8%
Mexican American 8.9%
Other Latino 3.4%
Pacific Islander 0.5%
White, Non-Latino 65.4%
Unknown 12.3%

Unemployment rate (September 2007)

  • 5.6%