The City of Chico is a charter city and has a council-manager system of municipal government. The City of Chico's administration offices are in the Chico Municipal Center located at 411 Main Street immediately adjacent to the City Council Chambers. Chico's city council consists of seven nonpartisan councilmembers each elected at-large in November of even-numbered years. Their terms begin on the first Tuesday in December and end on the first Tuesday in December four years thereafter. The mayor is chosen by and from among the council members and serves for two years. City council meetings are on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
The City Council appoints members of the Airport Commission, Architectural Review Board, Arts Commission, Bicycle Advisory Committee, Bidwell Park & Playground Commission, Human Resources Commission, and Planning Commission.
The citizens of Chico are represented in the Butte County Board of Supervisors by the District Two Supervisor Jane Dolan and the District Three Supervisor Maureen Kirk.
The Butte County Association of Governments is located at 2580 Sierra Sunrise Terrace, Suite 100.
The citizens of Chico, as members of California's 3rd Assembly District, are represented by Rick Keene (R, Chico) in the California State Assembly; and as members of California's 4th Senate District, are represented by Sam Aanestad (R, Grass Valley) in the California State Senate. Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently California's Governor (known in some newspapers as simply "the guv").
Governor |
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) |
Web Site |
E-mail: [email protected] |
State Capitol Building |
Sacramento, CA 95814 |
Phone: (916) 445-2841 |
Fax: (916) 445-4633 |
State Senator |
Sam Aanestad (R) |
Web Site |
Capitol Office |
State Capitol, Room 2054 |
Sacramento, CA 95814 |
Sacramento Phone: (916) 651-4004 |
Fax: (916) 445-7750 |
Chico Phone: 530-895-6088 |
State Assemblymember |
Dan Logue (R) |
Website |
Chico District Office |
1550 Humboldt Rd. Suite 4 |
Chico, CA 95928 |
Ph: (530) 895-4217 |
Fax: (530) 895-4219 |
Capitol Office |
State Capitol Room 2158 |
Sacramento, CA 95814 |
Ph: (916) 319-2003 |
Fax: (916) 319-2103 |
The citizens of Chico, as members of California's 2nd Congressional District are represented by Wally Herger (R, Rio Oso) in the United States House of Representatives.
President |
Barack Obama (D) |
The White House |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW |
Washington , DC 20500 |
Phone: 202-456-1414 (main); 202-456-1111 (comments) |
Fax: 202-456-2461 |
Email: [email protected] |
Website: |
United States Senator |
6-Year Term, Next Election: June/Nov 2012 |
Dianne Feinstein (D) |
[Office 1] One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104 |
[Office 2] 331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 |
Phone: 415-393-0707 or 202-224-3841 |
Fax: 415-393-0710 or 202-228-3954 |
Email: [email protected] |
Website: |
United States Senator |
6-Year Term, Next Election: June/Nov 2010 |
Barbara Boxer (D) |
[Office 1] 1700 Montgomery, Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94111 |
[Office 2] 112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 |
Phone: 415-403-0100 or 202-224-3553 |
Fax: 415-956-6701 or 202-228-1338 |
Email: [email protected] |
Website: |
United States Representative |
2-Year Term, Next Election: 2010 |
Wally Herger (R) |
Washington Address |
2268 Rayburn House Office Building |
Washington, DC 20515-0502 |
Phone: 202-225-3076 |
Fax: 202-225-1740 |
District Address |
2635 Forest Ave, Suite 100 |
Chico, CA 95928 |
Phone: 530-893-8363 |
Fax: 530-893-8619 |
Website: |
If you are a student, then you have a whole additional layer of government whose policies affect you. In the case of Chico State students, the Chico State Administration and Associated Students, Chico oversee the administration of various policies and fee dollars on your behalf.
In the case of Butte College students, the Butte College Administration and Butte College Associated Students oversee the administration of various policies and fee dollars on your behalf.
In the case of students in the Chico Unified School District, the School Board oversees the administration of all policies and education dollars.