This is Chico Wiki's Historic Directory. This directory includes everything that is historic in Chico. This includes departed people, businesses, organizations, buildings, lost artifacts and past events. In some cases the link is an old name for something that still exists with a new name.
Unable to include Template:Alphabetical Index
- 14 Mile House
- 2008 Wildfires
- 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion
- 851st Strategic Missile Squadron
- 99 Club
- A.G. Eames
- A.H. Barber
- A.M. Scott
- A.M. Scott’s Feed Store
- Abraham Bidwell
- Activists Against Apathy
- Albert E. Warrens
- Aliune Fame
- Alva Stamper
- American Theater
- Anchors Court
- Annie and John Bidwell
- Annie Bidwell
- April Committee
- Armory Building
- AS Judiciary
- Auditorium and Assemble Building
- Auditorium Hotel Building
- Bank of America Building
- Bank of Butte
- Bank of Chico
- Barney Cussick
- Bear Cage
- Beer and Wine World
- Bernie Richter
- Beta Theta Pi House
- Bidwell Oaks
- Bidwell Ranch
- Bidwell's Adobe
- Bidwell's Bar
- Bidwell's Mill
- Bidwell's Store
- Bidwell’s Flouring Mills
- Bill of Rights Defense Committee
- Black Crow Grill and Taproom
- Board of Freeholders
- Brewery Saloon
- Bullard House Bed and Breakfast Inn
- Busy Bee Donut Shop
- Butte Lightning Complex
- Butte Record
- Butte Record Printing House
- Chico Presbyterian Church
- Campus Antiwar Network
- Carriage mounting stones
- Casa Lupe
- Celadons
- Cemetery Bridge
- Chapman's Addition
- Chapmanville
- Charles Ball
- Charles Croissant
- Charles Self
- Charles Self Cement Paving and Concrete Construction
- Charter Day Monument (1911)
- Chester Cole
- Chico Art Club
- Chico Brewery
- Chico Cannabis Coalition
- Chico Caucasian
- Chico Clipper
- Chico Daily Record
- Chico Electric Railway
- Chico Examiner
- Chico Fun World
- Chico Heat
- Chico Heritage Association
- Chico Hotel
- Chico Ice and Cold Storage
- Chico Oaks Hotel
- Chico Presbyterian Church
- Chico Roller Flouring Mill
- Chico Soda Works
- Chico Store
- Chico Vecino School
- Civil War Monument
- Clarence Colin Richardson
- Concow Maidu Trail of Tears
- Corner Plaques
- Covered Bridge
- Craig Fire
- Crux Artist Collective
- Fashion Stables
- Fifth Street Rooming House
- Firefighter Memorial
- Five Oaks Ranch
- Flumes
- Fortier pickup machine
- Fosters Freeze
- General John Bidwell
- George Dorn
- George Peterson
- Glenn Kendall
- Gordon Casamajor
- Graves Building
- Graves Drug Store
- Gun Strike
- Hall-Van Hook Funeral Chapel
- Harrington's
- Heavenly Realm
- Henry Camper
- Hibbard & Sommer Plaque
- Hideaway Cafe
- Historic Places
- Historic Quarter
- Historic roster of councilmembers
- History of Chico
- Hitching posts
- Honey Run Covered Bridge
- Hooker Oak tree
- Hotel Oaks
- House of Nature's Own
- Hugh McKee Bell
- Humboldt Fire
- Icehouse Building
- International Order of Odd Fellows Annex
- International Order of Odd Fellows Building
- Ira Weatherbee
- Ishi
- James Franklin Morehead
- Jane Wells Shurmer
- Jasco's
- Jefferson on 5th Street
- John Bidwell
- John Kempf
- John Muir
- Jonas Marion Hoyl
- Jonathan Studebaker
- Jones-Starmer Tree
- Joseph Calm Kennedy
- Julia Morgan House
- Junction Hotel
- L.A. McIntosh House
- L.N. Lewis House
- Lambda Chi Alpha House
- Lambda Pi
- Landis Apartments
- Language Houses
- Lee Mansfield House
- Lee Pharmacy
- Lew Dwight Oliver
- List of articles with historic photos
- List of Chico firsts
- Little Chapman Mansion
- Lizzie
- Lizzie Crew Canfield House
- Lobdell Brothers Cleaners & Dyers
- Lusk House
- Majestic Theater
- Mary Jane White School
- Mason-Barnard House
- Masonic Temple
- Matt Hogan
- Mavis Todd Brown House
- Mechoopda Indian Cemetery
- Meriam Library Special Collections
- Meriam residence
- Meyer Apartments
- Midtown Post Office
- Miller House
- Miller Mansion
- Minnie Hill Home
- Missile silos
- Monday Bridge Club
- Monday Club bench
- Montgomery Ward Building
- Morehead Building
- Morrison House
- Moulton House
- Mullen House
- National Register of Historic Places
- Navarra-Hengst Ranch
- Neil Rhoten Memorial
- Neubarth-Snow House
- Newton Thomas Enloe
- Nome Cult Trail
- Normal Building
- Normal Street School House
- Northern Branch of the State Normal School
- Northern Star Mills
- Nottleman House
- O.L. Clark
- Off Limits
- Old Municipal Building
- Operation Chico
- Orange Street Collective
- Ormsby House
- Oscar Stansbury
- Oser Residence
- Park Hotel
- Pastime Pub
- Patrick Field
- Patrick Ranch
- Patrick Ranch House
- Paul DiGirolamo Tree
- Paul Persons bench
- Peace Endeavor bench
- Perley Home
- Phillips Apartments
- Phoenix Building
- Polar Ice Company
- Pommes Frites
- Post Home
- Presbyterian Parsonage
- President's Mansion
- Priel House
- Progressive Student Union
- Rancho del Arroyo Chico
- Ray Head
- Ray's Video
- Record Building
- Redeemer Lutheran Church
- Reed Mansion
- Rev. Jesse Wood House
- Reynolds House
- Reynolds Warehouse
- Richard James Dyer Memorial Tree
- Robbie and Bruce
- Robert Alan Anderson Memorial
- Robin Hood
- Robin Wilson
- Rock Fences
- Rock House
- Roseanna O'Hair House
- S.H. Chalmer's House
- S.L. Bainbridge Realty
- Sacramento Valley Hospital
- Saint John’s Episcopal Church
- Sandy Gulch
- Sequoia Hotel
- Shadowbrook Apartments
- Sharon Hands Monument
- Sherwood Forest
- Sherwood House
- Sierra Lumber Company
- Sierra West
- Silberstein Park Building
- Smoke Jumpers
- South Campus Historic District
- South Methodist Episcopal Church
- Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
- Special Events Task Force
- Sperry Flour Mill
- St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church
- St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
- Stansbury House
- Stewart House
- Stick n Dip
- Stiles Warehouse
- Stone Walls
- Stormy's Off Broadway
- Strain House
- Submarine Memorial
- Sutter Hall I
- Swearingen House
- Taylor's Drive In
- Ted Meriam
- Terrace Pharmacy
- The Acorn Room
- The American
- The Castle
- The Chico 10
- The Index
- The Kramore Inn
- The National
- The Silver Fox
- The Zoo
- Theodore Schwein
- Theodore Schwein Home
- Thomasson House
- Time Capsules
- Timothy H. Barnard
- Town Hall
- Travis Williams tree
- Trinity Hall
- Triple Nickels
- Van Liew House
- Velveeta
- Vesta Holt
- Veteran's Memorial
- Victor Building
- Victorian Garden Studios
- Victorian Guest Home
- W.B. Dean House
- W.H. Schooler House
- W.J. Costar House
- W.J. King House
- W.R. Honodel House
- Walker House
- Waterland Apartments
- Waterland-Breslauer Building
- Western Travel Inn
- White House (business)
- White House (residence)
- Whitney Hall Drug Bust
- Wildcat
- Wilhelmina Taggart
- William Earll
- William Robbie
- William Schooler
- World of Trees