Chico has a number of historic places that are listed in the National Registry of Historic Places, among the California Historical Landmarks and Points of Historic Interest or in the Chico Historic Resources Inventory.

The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is a list of 80000 historic and prehistoric places within the United States and its territories that are worthy of preserving. The program is part of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. It includes districts,sites, buildings and objects. There are roughly 27 listings in Butte County.

Places in Chico listed on the NRHP:

In addition, there are several buildings in the city that are not listed, but are historical in the minds of Chicoans for their longevity in the community or even just nostalgic and sentimental reasons. Some places that may be eligible to be listed on the NRHP:

The list of California Historical Landmarks and Points of Historic Interest is administered by the California Historical Resources Commission. The following places in Chico are listed:

The California Historic Properties Directory for Chico is administered by the State Office of Historic Preservation to assist state and local preservation efforts. There are 440 records listed in the Historic Properties Directory for Chico.

The 1983 Chico Historic Resource Survey is administered by the City of Chico for use in identification and preservation of local historic resources.

See also