
The OSU Pride Center is one of seven Cultural Resource Centers at Oregon State University. According to their website, the center provides resources and support to LGBTQQIAA+ students, faculty, community members and allies through "education, outreach, program support, consultation, community development, visibility, and advocacy."[Pride Center]  The Pride Center is located in a freestanding home on the south east side of the OSU campus.



The OSU Pride Center

Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries
Photo by Logan Howell, Orange Media Network     Publisher: The Daily Barometer





Previous Cultural Centers provide a framework for LGBTQ+ student leaders to begin plans for their own dedicated space.[Ryan, R pg 71]


LGBTQ student advocates request funds for a "Queer Resource Center" from the Student Involvement Diversity Development office. $7,000 was added to its student fee budget request for 2001–2002.[Ryan, R]


After weeks of discussions involving people both on and off campus, student leaders vote unanimously to approve the budget. The Center's first location is a small office in the Women's Center.[Ryan, R][Pride Center]


Using the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Programs and Services Guidelines: Self Assessment Guide from the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education[CAS] the Center successfully argues for the creation of an LGBT program at the university, an LGBT Program Coordinator, and a permanent independent location.[Ryan, R]


A suitable location for the Center's permanent space is identified and $120,000 is requested to remodel the location for use.[Pride Center]


Student government approves the budget and work begins on the new location.[Pride Center]


The Queer Resource Center, now renamed as the Pride Center holds it's Grand Opening on October 11th 2004 on National Coming Out Day.[Ryan, R]


1)   “Pride Center.” Diversity & Cultural Engagement, Oregon State University, 14 Feb. 2019, dce.oregonstate.edu/pc. Accessed March 19th, 2019

2)   Ryan, Robin. “The Evolution of an LGBT Center at a Public Institution.” New Directions for Student Services, vol. 2005, no. 111, 2005, pp. 71–74., doi:10.1002/ss.175.

3)   CAS Self-Assessment Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Programs and Services. Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education, 2006.