LGBTQ Friendly Healthcare Providers

This page includes a list of LGBTQ friendly healthcare providers and specialists. Providers from the University of Illinois healthcare system are included, as well as providers from other healthcare systems in the area. 


McKinley Health Center 

Primary Care Providers: 

Dr. Brin Schuler, MD- Board Certified in Family Practice (general practitioner) 

Dr. James K. McEnerney, MD, FACOG- Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology 

Patricia Murdoch, MSN, MS- Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice, Clinical Nurse Specialist (general practitioner) 


Mental Health Specialists

Carol Baxter, APN-Psychiatric Nurse



Health Education and Sportwell 

Jennifer Carson, MS-Stress Management Coordinator


Kim Rice, MSW, LSW, CSC, CSE- Sexual Health Educator