*For emergencies, CWT has a 24/7 domestic abuse hotline: 217-348-4390.

The Center for Women in Transition, The Center, CWT or CWIT, exists to empower women and their children. The agency provides housing and supportive services for families experiencing homelessness or who are victims of domestic violence.  The Center serves as a domestic violence shelter, homeless shelter for women and children, and provides counseling free or charge. CWT can also provide clients with court advocates for an order of protection and other legal counseling. The Center has a long history of service in Champaign-Urbana, and continues its work in our community by expanding the services provided.

CWIT receives funding from a variety of state, federal and local government agencies.   In addition to these traditional funding sources, CWIT has strong local support from individuals, businesses, churches, social groups and civic organizations who foster CWIT's mission.  Private donations from these sources account for over twelve percent (12%) of CWIT's annual income, and are critical to the ability of The Center to meet annual expenses.

CWIT also owns a resale store, Transitions Resale Store, located in Lincoln Square Village, Urbana, IL.  Transitions sells donated clothing items for women, men and children, and provides clothing free of charge to residents of The Center.   All proceeds benefit The Center for Women in Transition.   This facility is also the location for the vocational training program for The Center.

What they do:

Services provided, Fiscal Year 2013 (7.1.12 – 6.30.13)

  • 694 unduplicated clients served
  • 137 children served
  • 313 clients received shelter
  • 185 clients received assistance in obtaining an Order of Protection
  • 195 clients received Domestic Violence counseling
  • 816 hotline calls answered




 Women’s Emergency Shelter of Champaign County (WESCC), the predecessor to The Center for Women in Transition, opens its doors. WESCC is initially staffed completely by volunteers, having formed as a result of a local campaign with partnerships between citizens and social service providers. After six months of operation, the Illinois Department of Public Aid presents the shelter with a grant that allows for paid staff, and soon the organization is able to buy its own facility, named the Deloris Evans House. 


 After changing its name to The Center for Women in Transition and shifting focus from emergency housing to long-term transitional housing, the organization acquires another site to serve as housing, the Clara Forbes House.


 CWT opens a new location with space for five families, the Unlimited Possibilities Services Center.


 CWT opens a clothing resale store providing job training to residents, Transitions, at the Lincoln Square Mall.


 Presby House opens, providing permanent affordable housing and support services.


 The Center for Women in Transition acquires A Woman’s Place (AWP).

Visit the Center's website for more information about their services, or for volunteering information:

CWIT on the web

This organization participated in a UIUC study on community technology use. For more on that see Study of UC2B Anchor Institutions' Technology Use