1001 Giedt, also known as the Ted and Rand Schaal Auditorium, is a lecture hall in Giedt Hall. It comfortably seats 278 people with wide aisles for bags and slouching. Moobilenet has a strong signal here, mostly because there are two access points in this hall! Engineering and geology classes receive scheduling priority in this building, so this lecture hall tends to host those kinds of classes more than others. It also tends to have tons of biology classes, mostly because there are so many large biology classes at UC Davis and this is one of the larger lecture halls on campus.
In 2017, the Energy Conservation Office installed high volume, low speed fans to help make the room feel more comfortable. The fans can be controlled by an iPad at the front-right corner of the room. They can also be controlled programatically based on comfort votes submitted to thermoostat.ucdavis.edu.