We drafted a set of questions for candidates in the 2006 City Council Election, edited them a bit, and then sent them out to the candidates to answer. The candidates' responses can be found by following the link to the question.


Question 1. Would you support the creation of a Police Review Board? If you support the creation of a Police Review Board, would it be directly elected by the voters and operate with subpoena power?

Question 2. Do you support corporate expansion here in Davis, such as bringing in a Target or Trader Joe's? and if so, what are your explicit justifications for such expansion?

Specifically, the area on the north side of second street between the pedestrian bridge and the AM/PM gas station is currently zoned light industrial. There have been several attempts to develop commercial/retail projects there. Would you support or reject rezoning/conditional use permits to use this area for retail.

Question 3. Where do you see future housing expansion occurring for group living, such as the potential for a fraternity and sorority row, in order to meet existing and future needs?

Question 4. Are you a renter or property owner, and if you are a property owner, do you rent your property out?

Question 5. Would you propose a law that makes any house that is built under the affordable housing criteria to remain always under that criteria by setting its price permanently to be a fixed percentage of what its market value is at the time of sale?

Question 6. Do you believe the police and/or the District Attorney's office acted improperly in the Halema Buzayan case?

Question 7. How would you try to help the drug addicts and homeless of Davis?

Question 8. Have you read the entire Davis Municipal Code? Can you suggest an existing section of code that you would remove or rewrite?

Question 9. What ideas or policies do you believe in which would raise passionate disagreement from a significant number of people here in Davis?

Question 10. How do you view race related issues in town and if elected what would you do in regard to this issue?

Question 11. The City of Davis 2001 General Plan calls for the creation of a Youth Commission "comprised primarily of youth to provide City Council guidance on issues that affect youths" (General Plan Y&E 3.1a) Do you support the creation of this commission? If so, what could you do to bring it to fruition?

Question 12. This City Council will be responsible for the creation of the 2010 General Plan, so what are your visions for that General Plan, and how would you change it from the current General Plan?

Question 13. Do you feel that the Open Container Ordinance has had an appreciable benefit? How open would you be to repealing the Open Container Ordinance if public sentiment desired it?