The Office of Advocacy & Student Representation (OASR) is the unit under ASUCD tasked with advocating for students on issues at a campus, state, and federal level. OASR provides a number of opportunities throughout the year for students to learn how to lobby, campaign, and talk about their needs of affordability, accessibility, safety, and resources on campus. This year, OASR will be working on a sexual assault prevention campaign, a mental health awareness campaign, and a voter registration campaign, amongst many other things. The Director of the Office of Advocacy & Student Representation also serves as the voting member for UCD undergraduate students on the UC Student Association (UCSA).
Staff 2015-2016
Director: Sam Alavi
Deputy Director: Derek Matthews
<div> Assistant Director of Student/Academic Affairs: Raya Aliakbar
Assistant Director of State/Federal Affairs: Elijah Pipersburg
Assistant Director of City/Community Affairs: Daniel Pollak
Research Analyst: Aidan Coyne
Campus Organizing Director: Michael Yepez
Chief Advocate: Kia Aliakbar </div>
Current Campaigns:
-UConsent: A campaign to end sexual violence and to create a culture of consent
-#HowAreYou: A call for mental health reform
-FundtheUC: A campaign for affordable and accessible higher education