Bike Church Mission

This is the Bike church mission statement page to be edited by bike church members to reflect what we feel the mission of the church entails.

Meeting Ideas

Round-table discussion occurred regarding what each person envisioned the Bike Church to be. These main points were that the Bike Church be a place where:

  • People can help each other, share skills, and empower each other in fixing and repairing their own bicycles.
  • Resource use and reuse emphasized and practiced.
  • Tools are shared and learned to use correctly.
  • Bicycle repair is taught not done as a service.
  • Sustainable bicycle/human powered culture is cultivated.
  • Waste is given another chance at reuse.
  • Getting as many people riding their bikes is paramount.
  • The idea where the disconnection from knowledge is smashed.
  • A place where one can shout "Boom Shakalaka Gaia".
  • And worship Bikabikagaia.
  • A place where community can be built through the communication of knowledge and the practice of sustainable/recycled transportation.

Tentative Bike Church Mission statements:

From March 08 meetings

The Bike Church is a place where teaching, service to others, the use of shared tools, the empowerment through doing things yourself, and the use of recycled materials occurs through a community focused on sustainable transportation.

From Handbook

The purpose of the Bike Church is to give the community a low-cost resource that provides the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain and repair their various forms of human-powered transportation. The Bike Church seeks to be a place where people of any age, sex, color, race, sexual orientation, or nationality feel comfortable to learn about and work on bikes. They have new and used bikes, parts, and accessories for donation along with tools and advice on how to fix your bicycle so you can get back to bicycling. The Church is non-profit and operated by volunteers.

Proposed ides and edits to the statements

post edited versions here