This program is offered under the umbrella of the Molecular and Cellular Biology department at UC Davis. MCB itself is in the College of Biological Sciences. Cell Biology's courses overlap with the Genetics and Biochemistry programs. Also, Many people who are interested in theoretical and quantitative cell bio minor in Quantitative Biology and bioinformatics. The advising center for the major is located in 156 Briggs. Phone: (530-752-0202).
From the 2004-2005, 2005-2006 General Catalog
To understand living organisms, the biologist must understand the cell. Hence, cell biology lies a tthe core of the biological sciences. Students taking this major gain a solid foundation in biological principles. The major emphasizes how cellular organization and function contribute to the development, maintenance and reproduction of adult organisms. The major illustrates the ways in which principles derived from physical sciences, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology are integrated in the study of living cells and emphasizes the experimental nature of the study of cell biology.
B.S. Major Requirements (Units)
Preparatory Subject Matter (61-67)
Biological Sciences 1A-1B-1C |
(15) |
Chemistry 2A-2B-2C |
(15) |
Mathematics 16A-16B-16C |
(9-12) |
Physics 7A-7B-7C |
(12) |
Statistics 13 or 100 (recommended) |
(3-4) |
Chemistry 8A-8B or 118A-118B-118C |
(6-12) |
Depth Subject Matter (45-47)
Biological Sciences 101, 102, 103, 104 |
(13) |
Molecular and Celluar Biology 140L, 150, 150L |
(9) |
Two courses from Molecular and Cellular Biology 143, 144, or 145 |
(6) |
Molecular and Cellular Biology 121 or 161 |
(3) |
One additional upper division laboratory course from: Molecular and Cellular Biology 120L, 160L; Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology 126 and 126L |
(4-6) |
Select at least 10 units from the following: Chemistry 107A, 107B, 108; Molecular and Cellular Biology 120L, 138, 142, 148, 158, 160L, 163, 178; Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior 103; Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunobiology 126, 126L; no more than 4 units of research (193, 194H, 199) can be used for credit in thi catagory |
(10) |
Total Units for the Major (106-114)