Gary S. May is the Chancellor of UC Davis. He was born in 1964 and held the office from February 23, 2017 - present (2022). He is married to the highly esteemed computer engineer, LeShelle May. He is both beloved and controversial. At events students often clamor to take pictures with him.
Whenever a tragic event occurs, he often posts one of a few stock photos he has of himself looking somber.
His total compensation comes out to $569,579.00, which is controversial among some students. College continues to be seen as unaffordable and it is argued that it is unjust to pay him that much and allow him free lodging at the Chancellors Mansion while students are struggling to pay their way through college.
He also is on the board for defense contractor Leidos, which often works with agencies such as ICE, NSA, etc. Further information can be found here.