These are the platform objectives for the ASUCD-oriented Christian Democratic Party. The Christian Democratic Party has never been an official slate as it has failed to produce two candidates,

Christian Democratic Party Spring 2007 Platform Issues

Employment for Students

The Christian Democratic Party has connections that can lead to successful part time work within a telecommunications company. Employed members will receive commissions and residual income benefits. This ability is consistent with the Christian Democratic philosophy towards creating successful student led businesses at UC Davis.

We also want to employ students to work in advertising for the The Davis Enforcer. If a member of our team successfully gathers advertising they will receive a commission on what they collect and continue to receive a commission for as long as that business continues to advertise with the Davis Enforcer.

New Technology

We have the connections necessary to sell cheap cellular telephones as well as free company to company calling. There are thousands of students with cell phones at UC Davis and we can easily lower cell phone bills for all of them.

We have access to VOIP products which will allow foreign exchange students to cheaply contact friends and family here in the United States. Every call will act as a local call. In addition we will sell off Video Phones allowing people to see and hear who they are talking to.

We are unique to any business organization because we have access to all classrooms and lecture rooms on the campus. This allows us to make business presentations to students right here in UC Davis. Company Representatives are also members of the Christian Democratic Party which grants personal access to how the products and company work.

ASUCD Ballot Measure

We are currently creating a team which will organize a Ballot Measure campaign for the Pledge of Allegiance. We are going to start the process in April.

Christian Democratic Party Winter 2007 Platform Issues

Ballot Measures

Yes on Outreach Assembly Yes on Unitrans Fee

Ethics Reform

It's time to promote laws and reforms that will improve the ethical climate of ASUCD. We will make it illegal for anyone to edit the Senate minutes other than the Recorder. We will work to reform the Bylaws in order keep people from exploiting loopholes.

Empowering Students

ASUCD Congress After the successful passage of the Outreach Assembly CDP will work to create a new ASUCD Congress with representatives from each club on campus to make recommendations to the Senate, commissions, and units. The Congress will have a Speaker (Outreach Assembly Speaker), a Majority Leader to represent the political views of the majority, and a Minority Leader to represent the others. Student presidents of clubs will be able to vote on resolutions, legislation, and all other decision making referred to it by the ASUCD Vice President. We desire to give you, the students, an active role in ASUCD and we are willing to share power among all clubs on the campus.

Club Endorsement Policy We will allow clubs to sponsor or endorse ASUCD legislation in order to add more involvement and weight to such legislation. You can endorse candidates, now we will allow you to endorse policy changes.

Police Relations Committee We will actually start up this committee and have it functional. Right now there is no police relations chair or committee members under the current regime. We will make sure this committee is functional the moment we are elected to office. We will choose people to run this committee who are dedicated, without bias, and who seek the truth.

Charity We encourage charity organizations to come to Senate for assistance or guidance on their projects. ASUCD Officials are used to dealing with bureucracy, so their extertise will be useful in helping student organizations get what they need from student government and the UC Davis administration.

Permanent Polling Places This will become a reality under our leadership so that students can easily vote for ASUCD candidates and thus bring the voter turnout.

Student Forums We will present the opportunity for all to debate and discuss the political issues of the day. We will not shy from controversial issues and will work to make sure all groups have a chance to voice their opinions.

Internal Reform

Attorney General We favor an Attorney General who will fight frivolous lawsuits but will always seek to rectify mistakes and violations of the Bylaws. This volunteer appointment will be in the ASUCD President's cabinet and will advise the executive and legislative branch of all conflicts with the Bylaws or the Constitution.

Prevent Fee Increases We favor increasing the voter threshold to 67% for raising any non-Unitrans fee on the student body. You already pay way too much in fees and ASUCD should not add to your troubles.

Aggie Cash in MU With your support we can use the office of a Senator to make it possible to use Aggie Cash in the MU.

Budget Hearings We will make Budget Hearings more available to the public, not small little rooms or basements.

Appoint Excellent Justices We will confirm justices to make sure the ASUCD Court has all nine justices and will make sure that they are knowledgable of the Bylaws and able to deal with the work load.

Interview Everyone Currently ASUCD only has to interview 75% of those who apply. No, we will push to make sure all who apply are given an interview. We will also make sure that hiring practices are correct, fair, and free from error.

External Goals

Centrist Approach We will advocate neither conservative nor liberal policies but centrist goals. We will inform and work with both Davis College Democrats and Davis College Republicans on resolutions and advocacy that we can both agree on.

Divisive Resolutions We oppose all divisive resolutions and resolutions that have nothing to do with the Student Welfare. Instead we will work to compromise on the language of resolutions and ultimately fail resolutions meant to divide the student body. We will also oppose any resolution that takes aim at a UC Davis group or institution on the campus. We favor resolutions that will be most beneficial to university policy and local issues.

A Resolute Resolution We will work to get a Constitutional Amendment passed to require a 2/3rds vote on all resolutions in order to strengthen all resolutions and make sure that the public is on board with what the Senate hopes to achieve.

Protecting America We will make sure that the ROTC are formerly invited back to campus and will not be threatened by the Senate during our term of office. We will also push for the Pledge of Allegiance during Senate meetings.

Outreach to Foreign Exchange Students We will add this to the Outreach Assembly and invite them to become involved in ASUCD.

Senate Outreach

We shall spend an extra hour each week walking around campus teaching random people about ASUCD opportunities.

We will promote accessibility and work to get one Senator out tabling on the MU patio at lunchtime each day.

We will work to have the Senators to announce that they are Senators in front of their classes each quarter to make them more accessible.

We shall eat at least once a month at each of the 4 DCs while wearing a sign identifying ourselves as Senators so that freshmen have senators they can contact easily.

We will refuse to abstain from voting. You elect us to make decisions, not to shirk our duties.

We will work to make it easier for clubs to advertise themselves (Via tabling, dealing with the legality of chalking, etc).

We will work to get info on ASUCD opportunities to freshmen and transfer students.


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Again, as I asked ACT, how is it 'shirking' to abstain a vote? ~DP

2007-02-05 00:27:48   Because I will see every bill and will be able to make an informed decision about it during Senate meetings. If I am confused on an issue I can always ask the author as many questions as are necessary. —RonPayne

2007-02-05 02:22:38 candidate...who's the "we" your platform keeps mentioning? —PaulHarms