[email protected]

The Christian Grads Fellowship (formerly Fellowship of Christian Grads), or CGF, is a Christian campus group for grad students. It is a branch of Grad Resources, a non-profit organization that serves the practical and emotional needs of graduate students on university campuses across the United States. The purpose of this group is to have regular meetings in order to support one another, seek together to be more like Jesus, and while doing so to impact the academy as thoughtful and informed followers of Christ.

Activities Past and Present

  • Meetings six weeks of each quarter to pray together and study a book of the Bible or another Christian book. This quarter the group is studying the book of Ephesians, and meets on Thursdays from 12-1 PM in the Smith Room  on the 2nd floor of Memorial Union.
  • Social event once per month (potlucks, game nights, etc.)
  • Study series on integrating faith and academia ("Foundations of Christian Scholarship"), 1 Corinthians for grad students
  • Other fun activities such as hiking, etc.

If you're looking for a Christian graduate student community, we're here for you! Check for updates at our Facebook page. To join the mailing list, please email [email protected]


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2008-09-15 15:36:27   CGF Rocks! It is a great place for Christian graduate students to network with each other no matter what church or department you are with. Last year we studied C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, and I'm looking forward to discussion on Miller's "Blue Like Jazz" this quarter. Should be interesting! —LiSaV