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Picnic Day 2012! Classical Studies Association (also known as CSA) is a social club at UC Davis focused on creating a friendly community of people with an interest in the ancient Mediterranean world. Most members of CSA are Classics majors and study the languages of ancient Greek and Latin. However, students of all areas are welcome to join, as the club unites those of various majors, currently ranging from History to Microbiology and also including English, Psychology, Music, Pre-Veterianary Sciences, and Film Studies.

Current Officers (2012-2013)

  • Co-Presidents - Rebecca Seraphin, Quincy Kayton

  • Vice President, Picnic Day Coordinator - Tracey Myint

  • Treasurer, Classics Librarian (Sproul 722) - Sarah Davis

  • Secretary, Nota Bene Editor - Colin Caskey

  • Meetings

    Winter quarter 2013's general club meetings are every other week from 5pm-6pm in the Fielder Room of the MU! They include: * Wednesday, January 16th: Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor/Pompeii) showing and collage-making * Monday, January 28th: Game Night! (Doctor Who Monopoly and Apples to Apples) * Monday, February 11th: TBA * Monday, February 25th: TBA * Saturday, March 2nd: Laser Tag! If you like Latin, Greek, shooting your friends, and being shot at with lasers, email the club so that you can secure a discounted ticket. * Monday, March 11th: TBA

    Additionally, CSA is preparing for its parade piece for Picnic Day 2013. Our theme this year is TROJAN HORSE! Email [email protected] about Picnic Day Meetings if you are interested in helping to build the Horse out of wood, create and sew costumes, and/or march with Greeks, Trojans, and their gods! We can email you back with an address at which the meetings will be held every Saturday from 2pm-4pm.


    Art Competitions

    CSA holds visual art contests whenever the need arises. This includes the annual T-Shirt Design Contest! Bookplate Design Contests are also held when books are donated to the Classics Library on the 7th floor of Sproul Hall.

    T-Shirt Design Contest '12-'13 Rules: 1) The design can be anything Classics-related! BE CREATIVE. 2) Design ideas could be BUT are not limited to: the Greek gods playing poker together (as discussed at the last club meeting), the Shield of Achilles, or Troy Story. Also, the Trojan Horse is this year's CSA Picnic Day theme. Past sample entries can be found here: 3) The design must say "Classical Studies Association" and "2012-2013" on it somewhere. 4) The design must be clean and appropriate. It'll be a UCD shirt, so let's keep it respectable and classy. 5) The design must be your own art. Be original and respectful with your drawing and/or editing skills! No art theft, or we won't be able to print the design. 6) Feel free to use colors in your design! But remember that more colors means a higher cost, so use color as needed.


    As part of preparations for Picnic Day, CSA casually meets once a week during the winter and spring quarters. During these meetings, members sew together ancient Greek or Roman costumes and construct modes of transportation. (More on this under CSA Events.)


    Games can be said to cleanse the soul. Thus, CSA holds an afternoon or night once a quarter for members to relax together over board games, cards, or trivia.

    Nota Bene

    "Nota Bene" is the UC Davis undergraduate journal for Classical Studies. Each year, students submit their essays (either from personal writing time or various classes) to be published! Email CSA to contact Colin if you are interested in submitting an essay for this year's journal.



    Be they Classicists or not, students unite, not easily forgetting the fiery commentary that takes place during Classics-related films! Showings are free, and students examine historical (or mythological) accuracy and film consistency. Past showings include Life of Brian, Troy, and 300. When relevant films, such as The Immortals, are in theaters, CSA members dine together before journeying to the cinema to observe the film as one classical presence.


    Whether they have taken CLA 10 (or CLA 3) or not, members of CSA enjoy discussion myths and history. Sometimes heatedly, though it's all in good fun.


    Most events take place in the spring quarter, though Picnic Day is one of CSA's biggest events of the year and is prepared for through all preceding quarters.

    Life of Brian

    An old tradition at the first meeting of the fall quarter is to show the Monty Python film Life of Brian. Officers for the year and new members are introduced here! The first meeting of this fall quarter will take place on Monday, October 8th. We will break tradition by watching "History of the World, Part I."

    Picnic Day

    Picnic Day 2012: Legionnaires! CSA comrades band together in fall quarter to come up with a theme for the club's part in the Picnic Day parade, and regroup during the winter and spring quarters to put their construction, costuming, and choreography plans into action. Members go all-out in making their costumes and choreographing their march movements. Just as important is the construction of ancient forms of transportation in the parade; past examples include a sailing ship and chariots! Students walk alongside Classics professors during the parade's march. Past themes have included "The Twelve Labors of Heracles" and "Jason and the Argonauts." Last year's theme involved Caesar leading Cleopatra and his Roman legion to the forum! This school year's Picnic Day will fall on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Definitely email CSA to contact Tracey if you would like to be in the parade!

    Classics Day

    Classics Day 2012: Olympics! Colin during Javelin Throwing. A day in early May at which lunch and classical entertainment is provided. It is also a great way for students of any schooling level to discover what Classics is about! Past educational entertainment and activities have included trivia games about Greek mythology and Roman history, a Latin choir, a mock gladiator fight, and mythological skits/dramatizations. This school year's Classics Day will fall on Saturday, May 18th, 2013.

    Classics Picnic

    Classics Picnic 2011: Aaron's guitar solo An afternoon in the late teens/early twenties of May on which students flock to one of their Classics professor's home in Davis and enjoy a fine picnic. Musical performances, such as a Latin chorus, take place. Awards and student achievements are also recognized here. This school year's Classics Picnic will fall on Sunday, June 2nd, 2013.

    For the latest on Activities and Events, be sure to join the Classical Studies Association email list and Facebook community!


    The membership fee ($15) covers an entire school year. Though it is preferred that members sign up and pay their dues on-time in fall quarter, Classical Studies Association is always open to new members. Membership provides the following benefits:

    • a discounted club t-shirt Our Classics Library motivational poster in Sproul 722.
    • funds all Picnic Day costuming and construction endeavors
    • ability to march proudly with professors and clubmates in the Picnic Day parade
    • ability to participate in Classics Day activities
    • ability to run and vote for club offices
    • ability to dine with fellow members at meetings, film showings, and events
    • supports the club so that it can provide more fun workshops, activities, and events


    Picnic Day 2012: Caesar and Cleopatra Picnic Day 2012: Centurions! Picnic Day 2012: Marching to the Roman forum! Classics Day 2012: Jeopardy CSA Banner! 2011 Picnic Day 2011: Jason and the Argonauts Picnic Day 2011: Calais vs Harpies Picnic Day 2011: Jason and the Argonauts Picnic Day 2010: The Twelve Labors of Heracles Picnic Day 2007: Romans Picnic Day 2007: chariot! Picnic Day (year unknown; possibly 2006)


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