Looking for something/someone in Davis?
- Craigslist — Davis listings are allowed and used
- Davis Life Magazine - Local interest e-zine - Outdated, Last Post 2011
- Davis Patch - News site that lets you post your own events & announcements.
- Davis Swap Meet and the UC Davis LiveJournal communities.
- Davis Virtual Market
- (taken over by spammers -- as of 2017-08) DavisPost — http://www.DavisPost.org is a new classified ads website developed and dedicated exclusively for the town of Davis, CA. Formerly known as www.DavisPost.tk. Outdated
- Oodle.com - Search engine of local classified ads (link appears to be broken. Instead use: http://www.oodle.com/local/davis-ca/ )
- the ucd.swap newsgroup
- Uloop - Classified ads for UCD students. Useful for buying/selling textbooks.
[http://www.davisenterprise.com/classifieds} - Classified ads from Davis, CA (anything in print is also available online!
- For employment classifieds, also check the Employment entry!
Print Classifieds
Please don't post classified ads on DavisWiki — people aren't looking for them here, so you'll have better luck at the sites above, and the sites above are also better organized for classifieds.