Mace Blvd. changes its name to County Road 104 as it extends south from Davis and through the outskirts. 104 then continues running south towards Yolo County Grasslands Park. After the park, 104 once again assumes the name Mace Blvd. 104 is one of the many Yolo County Roads. Road 104 also has a short (2 mile) gravel section north of Davis from Road 28H north to Road 27.
Places to go or see on 104:
- Yolo County Grasslands Park
- Sod Farms, Sierra Sod and Supply
- Palace house (anyone have more info on this?)
One of a few sod farms on County Road 104.
A palace-like house compound on County Road 104.
2006-02-11 11:14:39 I'm really curious about the palace house compound. I was there last night and it was creepy. —RohiniJasavala
2006-02-11 23:21:34 Palace Compound construction was started in 2004, but we're not sure when it was completed or what it's about. That's a *lot* of solar panels! —JudithTruman
2009-06-22 14:40:56 We used to drive down this road to the archery range. We actually stopped by the Palace and Talked to a guy who turned out to be the owner. It's just his private residence (a dream house of sorts). Kinda cool what people can build with a lot of money.=) —HannahCao
2010-05-13 16:04:12 The palace compound used to be mike bibbys house when he played for the kings. —Cyril
Comments on this road, especially unique places to stop:
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