Crafternoons is a weekly social and crafting event that runs from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. on Fridays. New craft projects are taught each week, and all supplies are provided. We encourage folks to stop in and check out the event. Crafternoons are a great way to meet people and de-stress at the end of the week!
You know you miss all those crafts from childhood... and though it's probably been a while since you last strung macaroni or filled a sand jar, those skills will rush back to memory the second you see the exciting array of summer-camp crafting supplies!
History Crafternoons was started at the LGBTRC in Spring 2009 by UCD community member Laura Mitchell (aka "The Mitch"). Initially, Mitchell funded the event out of pocket, but when she was hired as a Community Intern at the LGBTRC in Fall 2009, Crafternoons became encorporated into the LGBTRC's budget and part of their regular programing.