Two graphic designers seen here not doing their work

DPI Graphics is a graphic design firm which hires student employees, and is located in Lower Freeborn Hall, right across the way from KDVS. Most all of the clients for DPI are affiliated with Campus Recreation, which includes Outdoor Adventures, The Equestrian Center, The Rec Pool, The MU Games Area, The MU Information Center and a lot more. Although that's not to say that DPI doesn't welcome jobs from people not associated with Campus Recreation, its just that DPI happens to be a part of Campus Rec. and as a result does a lot of designing for them.

There are usually three student workers employed by DPI, although during transitional periods there can be four or even two. All of them are design students at UC Davis and most seem to last about a year, but some stay upwards of two.


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2008-12-21 14:13:20   Is this now called "CUCR Graphics"? —JasonAller