Postal Address |
P.O. Box 921 |
Davis, CA 95617 |
Phone |
(530) 757-SWIM |
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[email protected], head coach |
Davis Aquatic Masters (DAM) is home to Davis' Masters' swim team, the second largest US Masters Swimming affiliated team in the U.S. DAM boasts a membership of over 600 people of all ages and from all walks of life — members range from beginning swimmers to national champions. DAM attracts and retains enthusiastic members and professional coaches, promotes and sponsors quality swim events (such as the annual Lake Berryessa open water swim) and proudly provides community service. They encourage all to attend a workout and learn more. United States Masters Swimming (USMS) selected DAM as the 2011 'Club of the Year' and in 2013 recognized DAM Head Coach, Stu Kahn, as the 'Coach of the Year'.
DAM workouts are held at various pools through town and at different times (there are 9 workout slots throughout the day) to accommodate all members of the community. Newcomers are welcome to try out three sessions for free before joining DAM. Swim sessions feature paid, professional coaches and can be intimidating because so many members swim so DAMfast, but not to worry — all swimmers are placed in lanes according to their abilities and given workouts appropriate for them. If you can swim four lengths of the pool, then the coaching staff will work with you to improve your skills and endurance; you don't need to be able to swim all four competitive strokes (i.e., butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle). In addition to the tips provided during workouts, DAM also sponsors periodic "stroke clinics" in each of the four competitive strokes.
Many members find that they swim harder and more often when there are lane-mates to share the workout with and a coach to urge you on. It's much easier to swim with others than it is to swim alone.
DAM also has a social side, with periodic parties, BBQ's, Trivia Nights and more.
See our Gyms & Fitness page to find out about other fitness opportunities in the Davis area.
2010-06-09 19:24:44 DAM is amazing!! I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful swim team here in Davis with workouts held at various times every day. There are locker rooms to shower and change in after swimming. For $48/mo unlimited workouts with a coach and the community environment...this is the best workout you are going to get for that price! —AmandaAbughosh
2010-07-16 17:28:45 DAM is the best ever!! —JasperD
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