Davis Municipal Code Chapter 24


24.02.010 Animals and fowl.

(a)No person shall keep or maintain in any residential neighborhood, or permit the keeping of, upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by such person, any animal or fowl otherwise permitted to be kept which, by any sound, cry or behavior shall cause annoyance or discomfort. The vocalization of a dog, or comparable sounds by other animals or fowl, for more than three out of five minutes, on a sustained basis during a ten minute measurement period, in excess of the allowable decibel limit, between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. the following day, or for more than five out of ten minutes, on a sustained basis during a fifteen minute measurement period, in excess of the allowable decibel limit, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., which sounds are audible within the property plane on property other than that owned, occupied, or controlled by such person, or inside any dwelling unit on the same property, but not owned, occupied or controlled by such person, with doors and windows closed, shall constitute a prima facie violation of the provisions of this section.

(b)If the owner, or person in custody of the animal or fowl that violates this section is not available, the written notice of violation and/or the citation may be given to someone else at the residence, or posted in a conspicuous location on the premises. (Ord. No. 1700, § 1 (part); Ord. No. 1854, § 4; Ord. No. 1955 (part).)

(Ord. 1995, Amended 07/29/1998)


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