From the web site:
The Davis Peace Coalition is a coalition of diverse groups and individuals that support peace and nonviolence. The Davis Peace Coalition seeks foreign and domestic policies guided by a commitment to peace and justice achieved through nonviolent, democratic means. The Coalition pursues this vision by:
- Educating ourselves, our community and our elected representatives about issues related to peace and justice;
- Keeping peace and justice issues in the public eye, the public discourse and the ears of our elected officials;
- Creating space for voices and ideas that are barred from or not represented in mainstream venues;
- Planning, encouraging and supporting nonviolent actions that promote peace and justice;
- Facilitating communication and coordination among local peace, justice and other interested community groups;
- Connecting with regional, national and international organizations that share our commitment to peace and justice.
2006-04-25 21:57:38 Does this organization still exist? I thought it turned into the Davis Antiwar Action and that turned into Davis Students Against War. And is there a reason Code Pink pictures are on this page? —JonathonLeathers
2006-04-26 02:54:48 At the very least it's a good historical entry. David Gerrold is also a big name. —JabberWokky
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