What does it take to be a Davis People's Free School teacher?

The Davis People's Free School is an opportunity for people of ALL AGES to come together to share knowledge in a non-commercial setting to strengthen community. We believe education is a way to achieve equality and freedom. Everybody has something to teach and something to learn. By stepping out of our traditional teacher/pupil roles, we can strengthen self-reliance and the DIY (do-it-yourself) ethic. Only by sharing our skills and talents can we break away from the commodification and hierarchy of society.

Anyone can teach a class in anything they want!

The instructor finds a space in house, park, or community center, or gets help finding a space from people who help with organizing the free school.

You don't have to be an expert to hold a workshop! If you have an affinity for it, we want you to teach it! Being a teacher can just means that you facilitate the workshop.

If you are willing to learn, teach, or help organize DPFS, then we'd like you to be part of it!

Classes are informal, participatory, and are held in homes, social spaces, and parks. It is your opportunity to learn from others and share what you know, to help create self-reliance, vitalize our community, and bring beauty in the world. Thank you for your interest in participating in DPFS. We are all students and we are all teachers here.

Convinced yet? Click here to learn how to submit a workshop!

Want ideas for what to teach? Here's a list compiled from our community interest survey!