The Davis Pre-Dental Society is a student organization registered with SPAC. Contact is [email protected]

Taken from the Davis Pre-Dental Society website:

About Davis PDS:

The Davis Pre-Dental Society is a student-run club at the University of California, Davis. As a group of enthusiastic pre-dental students, PDS is motivated to providing a positive forum for UCDavis students who are interested in dentistry. From general meetings with informative presentations, to fun social events like bowling and ice-cream socials, we are here to serve your needs. Come get informed and get involved!

Benefits of Joining:

  • Get insights from dental students who graduated from UC Davis.
  • Listen to oral surgeons, orthodontists, general dentists, endodontists, periodontists, and other dental specialists.
  • Listen to guest speakers and representatives from dental schools across the country!
  • Get the chance to visit California's dental schools like UOP, UCSF, UCLA, USC, and Loma Linda.
  • Meet and make new friends who share the same passion and excitement towards dentistry.

Officer Positions 2009-2010:

President - Nellie Ghazal Vice President - Michael Suh Secretary - Marina Awad Treasurer - Calvin Tam Activities - Jennifer Cai Activities - William Fried Community Service - Karessa Ramos Publicity - Pallavi Choudhry Publicity - Catherine Pham Webmaster - Sakib Vahora

Davis PDS Mailing Address

SPAC 457 Memorial Union #277 One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616


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