Many places offer discounts and deals for university affiliates. Some of them are offered by vendors to those associated with education, or extend blanket purchase deals to employees when they are negotiated with the university, or for other reasons.

What perks, freebies and benefits do you get from being at the university? Or maybe things specific to UCD? Currently, I have in mind tangible hard benefits, not stuff like opening your mind up to enrichment and experiencing blah blah.

Specifically, I just found out that UCD is the only UC I know off with campus-wide licensing for the software program EndNote: The program retails for $299, academic price is $224, student price is $114, and upgrade run $109. (Student in this context is an undergrad.) ASUCLA Ackerman store sells it for $66. UCD has it for free — curse my long-expired login!

It's an incredibly useful program, and the standard for grad students at several universities (from what I've seen). I wanted to put that info somewhere on the wiki and wasn't sure where. On the library page would make sense, no? That got me thinking... "What other perks/freebies are people missing out on?" And do other people think some sort of compilation is worthwhile? This could become an interesting page, useful both as an information resource and for upping crosslinking across the Wiki. Thoughts?

There are a variety of discounts and deals for people affiliated with the University

If you have a email address

These deals rely on your e-mail address.

  • Microsoft is offering a free XBOX 360 with the purchase of a $700+ laptop through the summer of 2011. In theory you need to be a student, but it appears they just verify that you have a .edu e-mail address.

For Students

Often deals for students will require verification of enrollment

  • Amazon Student - Free Amazon Prime for undergraduates and graduate students, although it's limited to one user account—like Amazon Mom, you can't share it with others in the same household. To sign up, you need to provide your .edu email address, major, and year in school. Any non-students with a .edu email address could lie about the last two questions, but that's just dishonest!

For Faculty and Staff

For Alumni

Other Deals

Buying a Computer

Both Dell and Apple offer discount programs.
