The 5th Street Station

Station 31 is located in Downtown Davis at 530 5th Street on the SW corner of Fifth Street and E Street.

This fire station is the City of Davis Fire Department Headquarters.

They put out fires. Woo!


  • Engine 31, a 2001 Sparten/Hi-Tech 1500 GPM
  • Rescue 31, a 2001 International/Hi-Tech
  • Engine 231, a 1991 Beck 1500 GPM (reserve)
  • Water Tender 31, a 2006 Navistar/West-Mark
  • Battalion 31, a 2008 Ford Expedition Command Vehicle

Engine 31 Rescue 31 Water Tender 31 Battalion 31

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2010-09-23 20:21:37   Nicely done. I stopped by the station to inquire about an esoteric engineering design called a "higbee thread". One of the firefighters was kind enough to show me how it worked. Nice people. —JimStewart