[email protected]

Engineers Without Borders is an international non-profit organization that works to bring simple sustainable engineering solutions to developing regions of the world. The primary goal of the organization is to undertake projects that will be continued by local agencies and increase sanitation, water quality, agricultural ability, and infrastructure for communities.

The UC Davis chapter was established by a group of undergrad and graduate students in 2005. They have traveled to Xix, Guatemala, Nkokonjeru, Uganda and Quincucirca, Bolivia to work on projects including educating about safe drinking water and sanitation.

Projects are supported by fundraising efforts in Davis and by the involved students themselves. Students take an active role in all parts of the project from planning, design of solutions, contact with the local agencies, construction and implementation of solutions in the community.

If you are interested in becoming a member check out the webpage or e-mail [email protected].

General meetings are held on Monday evenings in the third floor conference room of Ghausi Hall. Check the website for exact times and dates.

They run the annual Wine into Water event.