Filling out the form is easy! Here's how to do it: **********Please add a screenshot showing how to fill this out**********

  • Instructions for nominating Davis:
    • 1) Be sure that you have a Gmail account (You can sign up for one at: )
    • 2) Go to this page:
    • 3) Click on the button on the right side to "Nominate your community"
    • 4) Sign in if necessary
    • 5) Fill out the form and submit
      • Things you should know about your connection to fill out the form:
        • Your name
        • Your organization or community group. (If you are an individual, you can leave this blank.)
        • City: Davis
        • State: California
        • Why should Google build a fiber to the home network where you live?: Please think of your own reasons.
        • Web link to supporting material: If you create a video supporting the effort, you can submit a link here.
        • What kind of Internet services are available where you live? - In most of Davis, this is DSL (AT&T), Wireless, or Cable Modem (Comcast)
        • What kind of Internet service do you primarily use at home?: Choose the one you use
        • What company provides your home Internet service?: DSL: AT&T, Cable Modem: Comcast
        • What is the advertised speed of your home Internet service?: This is the download speed that your network provider claims you can get
        • What is your actual download speed during the evening?: This is how fast your connection *actually* is at pulling data from the network. You can use one of the tools that they link to to get this information. [Please add data on real world results to suggest to people who do not understand network testing tools]
        • What is your actual upload speed during the evening?: This is how fast your connection *actually* is at pushing data from your computer to some place on the network. You can use one of the tools that they link to to get this information. [Please add data on real world results to suggest to people who do not understand network testing tools]
        • How much does your Internet service cost per month?: How much do you pay for your service?
        • Is your Internet service 'bundled' with other services like TV and phone?: Choose yes or no
        • How many times in the last month did your high-speed Internet service not work correctly, slow down, or frustrate you?: Choose the
        • Describe the quality of your home Internet service customer support: How good or bad is your service?
        • What would you like to see improved about your current service?: Check the answers that fit you
        • Now click the Send Nomination button

Alt Draft

If you don't have a Google Account (which might be a GMail account) you'll need to get one.
Getting one is easy and free.
Go to
Click on the button...
Don't worry about the questions "Your organization or community group:" and "If you are responding on behalf of an organization or community group, please describe it:"
Just leave those fields blank if you are speaking for yourself
Ok, the important question: "Why should Google build a fiber to the home network where you live?"
List of talking points, or link to talking points
If you want you can link a webpage or video for the question "Web link to supporting material (YouTube videos and other creative submissions are encouraged!)"
"What kind of Internet services are available where you live? Check all that apply:"
Provide list of local services for people to reference?
"What is the advertised speed of your home Internet service?"
help with answering this question
"What is your actual download speed during the evening?"
help with answering this question
"What is your actual upload speed during the evening?"
help with answering this question