(530) 792-1053
[email protected]

Grace in Action is a nonprofit faith-based outreach ministry designed to serve the needs of the homeless in Yolo County by providing spiritual companionship, food, clothing, and access to health related resources and church sponsored rest and respite. GIA is operated by Mary Lou Rossetto and numerous volunteers.

Grace in Action is uniquely positioned to serve the unsheltered homeless in Yolo County by bridging the gap between our community of giving and local agency programs. It it sponsored by ten local churches: University Covenant Church, Davis Community Church, United Methodist Church of Davis, Pole Line Road Baptist Church, Davis Chinese Christian Church, CA House, Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, First Baptist Church, St. Martin's Episcopal Church, and St. James Catholic Church,

Currently, the major public outreach programs take place at the United Methodist Church of Davis on Mondays and Pole Line Road Baptist Church on Wednesdays.

2013 hours and locations

Mondays: Davis United Methodist Church

  • 10:00-12:00PM Grace Garden (helping grow food)
  • 12:00-1:30PM Bag lunch eat-in or to-go

    Visit, rest and respite, referrals

  • 1:15-2:15PM (1st & 3rd Mondays)

    Legal aid available (appointment or drop-in)

Wednesdays: Pole Line Road Baptist Church

  • 12:00-1:30PM Bag lunch eat-in or to-go

    Visit, rest and respite, referrals

  • 1:30-2:00PM Christian fellowship
  • 2:00-3:00PM Book study -Grace

Grace in Action formerly operated out of Grace House.

If you are interested in helping Grace in Action in any way, please contact them above.