Seniors! It's not too soon to think about Grad Night 2013! The tickets cover food, drinks and entertainment and are at their lowest price, $75, until December 31. Scholarships available through school counselor. This event is an all-night alcohol and drug-free party for graduating DJUSD Seniors! Forms can be found at, questions answered at [email protected]. For the kindergarten photo wall, kindergarten photos can be scanned using high resolution and sent to [email protected]. If mailing the photo, send to P.O. Box 2143, Davis, CA 95617, if you wish it to be returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with a telephone number.

Local businesses donate to this all-you-can-eat buffet event. There is also a public tour of the decorations, as Emerson Junior High is transformed for the occasion. This years' Davis Grad Night is Friday, June 7, 2013 from 9:30 pm to 5:00 am. It's for all graduating seniors from DHS, DSIS, DaVinci and King. Grads must enter before midnight and bring photo ID.