Community Development
Staff Liasion
Ike Njoku, Planner/Historical Resources Manager
Phone Number
(530) 757-5610
[email protected]
Meeting Times
Third Monday of each month at 7:00pm except in January & February
Meeting Place
Hattie Weber Museum, 445 C Street
Number of Members
7 Regular members
1 Alternative member

The Historical Resources Management Commission is one of the City of Davis City Commissions. It advises City Council on matters pertaining to historical resources, maintains an inventory of historical resources, recommends the designation of historical resources and reviews application for alteration permits for historical structures. In order for the Commission to comply with Certified Local Government Guidelines, the Commission could use members with special interest, competence, experience or knowledge in historic preservation and the cultural heritage of Davis and professional qualifications in such archeology, urban planning, law, real estate, folklore, museum curation, conservation, landscape architecture, American studies and cultural geography.


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