The Hog Barn, officially known as the Heitman Center, serves as a classroom for staff training and administrative offices of Staff Development and Professional Services unit. The renovation preserves the historic look of the building, including barn doors, siding and roofing. Some artifacts, such as the old hog-scale, are preserved. But gone are the student sleeping quarters in the attic — a space now given over to storage and HVAC systems.
A ribbon cutting and official building dedication will take place in Spring 2009. Meanwhile, All are welcome to stop by, and UC Davis staff can learn about course offerings and sign up at the website.
In 2003 UC Davis campus planners decided to relocate the Hog Barn, one of the campus's historic buildings, from its old Campus location next to Academic Surge to the pleasant grassy space between the south silo and Bainer Hall. It was moved in order to make way for the new Mathematical Sciences Building which was built where the Hog Barn used to stand. Locating the building in the Silo complex expands the historic district while also making staff training classrooms accessible to employees.
As of November 2008, the very complex renovation project is complete. The facility, now named the Hubert Heitman Staff Learning Center. Heitman was the longtime director of the UC Davis Swine Program who won many awards and accolades for his innovative swine management programs.
These pictures are from 08/09/2004, but it looks exactly the same as of 09/29/2005
A picture of the hog barn prior to its move.
5/5/2006 detail during construction
2007-03-05 Construction progress update photo
Why did the university do this? Put a dilapidated barn on a nice piece of open lawn. It's cluttering up the area between Bainer and the Silo. -JamesDawe
They didn't want to demolish it, as it is one of the oldest buildings on campus. I was told they were going to renovate it like they did with the Silo, and put in offices or something, for now its just waiting around for its own turn for construction. —AllisonEriksen
2008-09-06 16:20:39 Construction progress is finally moving toward the point at which this building will once again serve in a useful capacity. —JasonAller
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