The IEEE at UC Davis is the local student section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is a registered club with SPAC and part of the Engineering Joint Council. The IEEE at UC Davis holds several general meetings throughout the year, as well as a yearly BBQ and scavenger hunt.
Prospective members should send an e-mail to the officer's list to get added to the member's list. Membership is free and everyone is welcome to join.
- Beginning of the Year BBQ
- Annual Scavenger Hunt for E-Week
- Micromouse Competition for Picnic Day
- Soldering Workshops
2006-2007 Officers
- President: Laine-Walker Avina
- Vice-President: Harpreet Kaur
- Treasurer: Simon Fung
- Secretary: Claudia Wong
- Webmaster/Historian: Swapnil Sunil Jain
- Industry Liaison: Andrew Owens
- Industry Liaison: Andrew Thompson
- Micromouse Coordinator: Kenny Marina
- Publicity: Erin Woo
- EJC Representative: Justin Rabi
- Outreach Coordinator: Garratt Gallagher
- Faculty Advisor: Kent Wilken
2005-2006 Officers
- President: Janice Chang
- Vice-President: Claudia Wong
- Treasurer: Erin Woo
- Secretary: Josephine Sabado
- Region 6 Representative: Simon Fung
- Webmaster/Historian: Collin Smith
- Industry Liaison: Michael Chen
- Industry Liaison: David Chen
- Micromouse Coordinator: Laine Walker-Avina
- Publicity: Marie Huynh
- EJC Representative: Kenny Marina
- Outreach Coordinator: Harpreet Kaur
- Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Colinge
- Outreach Advisor: Dr. Carl Arft